Nutanix Cmdlets を利用して、Nutanix CE の Protection Domain(PD)のレプリケーションの完了イベントを取得してみました。
レプリケーションの完了がわかる「Replication completed for Protection Domain <PD名> to remote <リモートサイト名> ~」というイベントは、alertTypeUuid が "ReplicationSystemStateAudit" になっています。
下記のように Get-NTNXEvent で取得できます。
NTNX> Get-NTNXEvent | where {$_.alertTypeUuid -eq "ReplicationSystemStateAudit"} | select entityUuids,message
しかし、Nutanix Cmdlets の幅がひろく必要で、だいたいメッセージの末尾が省略されてしまいます。
下記のように、CSV にエクスポートするとメッセージ全文が取得できます。
NTNX> Get-NTNXEvent | where {$_.alertTypeUuid -eq "ReplicationSystemStateAudit"} | select message | Export-Csv ("ntnx-repli-event-"+(Get-Date -f "yyyyMMddHHmmss")+".csv")
CSV 形式のテキストファイルとして出力されます。
- entityUuids は省略しました。(PD 名、Remote Site 名はメッセージにあるため)
- レプリケーション完了しか取得していませんが、ReplicationSystemStateAudit を変更すれば別のイベントも取得できます。
NTNX> ls ntnx-repli-event-*csv | select Name Name ---- ntnx-repli-event-20180216074430.csv NTNX> cat ntnx-repli-event-20180216074430.csv "message" "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n02 using snapshot (6328965196388389044, 1518693477881559, 67) and at time 20180215-14:25:12-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n02 using snapshot (6328965196388389044, 1518693477881559, 48) and at time 20180215-14:25:07-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 1372) and at time 20180215-14:23:44-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 1353) and at time 20180215-14:23:39-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 1331) and at time 20180215-14:15:29-GMT-0800." "Replication started for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 1331) at time 20180215-14:15:24-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 612) and at time 20180211-23:41:31-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 535) and at time 20180211-23:17:15-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 520) and at time 20180211-23:08:20-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 440) and at time 20180211-22:21:45-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 425) and at time 20180211-22:20:42-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 410) and at time 20180211-22:18:54-GMT-0800." "Replication completed for Protection Domain pd01 to remote site-ntnx-n01 using snapshot (3650167843033068843, 1517734041566110, 395) and at time 20180211-22:15:44-GMT-0800."
ちなみにこの環境だと、他にも下記のような alertTypeUuid がありました。
NTNX> Get-NTNXEvent | select alertTypeUuid -Unique alertTypeUuid ------------- LoginInfoAudit ProtectionDomainChangeModeAudit ReplicationSystemStateAudit SnapshotReadyAudit RemoteSiteAudit ContainerAudit ClusterParamsAudit UserAudit NTPServersAudit NameServersAudit PdOOBScheduleAudit RegisterVmAudit ProtectionDomainAudit ModifyProtectionDomainSnapshotAudit